“Public unrest” began among people in the queue on the Kerch Strait ferry line that arose because of the storm. The “adviser to the head of Crimea” on transport Anatoliy Tsurkin informed about that on his Facebook page.   Automobilists were filled with indignation at the fact that some people tried to jump the queue.  …

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Kerch city “authorities” won’t conduct the restoration of beaches that crashed down this year. The “deputy head of the Kerch administration” Vladimir Stupnikov informed about that answering the journalists’ questions, the newspaper “Kerchenskiy poluostrov” (“Kerch peninsula”) informs.   According to the official, the funds allocated for shore protection are enough just to watch as the…

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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the procedure for entry to the Crimean occupied territory. This decision of June 4 was published on the government website.   According to the document, it is possible to enter and leave the territory of the peninsula just through checkpoints that work round-the-clock.  Ukrainian citizens need to have the…

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The Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate (UOC-KP) appealed to a range of international organizations (UN, OSCE) and the heads of the states to stop the persecution of the Ukrainians in Crimea, the newspaper “Voice of Crimea” reports. “…on behalf of our religious community and on behalf…

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The tourist flow to Crimea was 630 thousand people from January 1 to June 1. The former “Minister of Resorts and Tourism” of Crimea Elena Yurchenko said about that, the press service of the Crimean Ministry of Resorts reports. According to her, a great part of the tourist flow, that is 60%, chose the Southern…

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According to Krymstat, since the beginning of the year the price of consumer goods basket went up by 19.5%. Krym Media informs about that.   In Crimea, the price of the minimum food basket per person is 3380.08 rubles as of the end of May. This index increased by 2.4% as compared to April.     In…

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Crimean “authorities” offered business to invest in health resort infrastructure facilities unclaimed among tourists. The state autonomous institution “Property Management Directorate of Crimea” created a list of property of the Republic of Crimea that consists of fifty real estate items: resort and tourist and industrial facilities, the press service of the “Ministry of Economic Development”…

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The Crimean theme always was of key importance in the Petro Poroshenko’s political activity, starting from his visit to Simferopol at the very beginning of the annexation and ending with his New Year’s address to the Ukrainian people, when greetings were said in the Crimean Tatar language as well. However, Crimean problematic was almost neglected…

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Human rights defenders report about the problem of the compulsory citizenship assignment to the Ukrainian orphaned children in Crimea, more than 4 thousand of whom stayed there at the time of the occupation, the UNIAN quotes the head of the Department for children’s rights, non-discrimination and gender equality at the secretariat of Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner…

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Simferopol authorities refused the Crimean Tatar public activists to hold the rally devoted to the Crimean Tatar Flag Day on June 26. The event organizers informed about that on June 5, the media 15 minutes reports. The answer received from the Simferopol city administration says that holding the rally “is not possible, because the specified…

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