Human rights defenders: Orphaned children are forced to get Russian citizenship in Crimea

Reed, Society

дети-сиротыHuman rights defenders report about the problem of the compulsory citizenship assignment to the Ukrainian orphaned children in Crimea, more than 4 thousand of whom stayed there at the time of the occupation, the UNIAN quotes the head of the Department for children’s rights, non-discrimination and gender equality at the secretariat of Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Oksana Filipishyna.

She said that just the very few of 4 thousand orphaned children who were on the care of the family, that is under trusteeship or in foster families left Crimea.

Filipishyna stressed that since last May the Ombudsman representative body was not valid in Crimea and therefore it was very difficult to monitor the situation on observing children’s rights on the peninsula. However, according to her, they still receive the information that is recorded by the Ukrainian relevant bodies from various sources.

She paid a special attention to violations of children’s rights for the citizenship among the others, which were confirmed and took place.     

“Orphaned children, children are deprived of parental care are a special category, which is under the jurisdiction of the state. In fact, our children who were in boarding schools, orphaned children are deprived of the right to express their opinion at all and, according to our information, they were automatically provided with new birth certificates – certificates of the Russian Federation, based on which they automatically will get passports of the Russian citizens,” Filipishyna said.      

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