Long queues of those who wish to buy tickets for intercity buses continue to form near the ticket offices at the bus stations “Vostochnaya”, “Kurortnaya” and “Aeroport”. KrymMedia informs about that. Traffic operators explain the slow work of cashiers by introduction of a new ticketing system that was installed following the Russian legislation. “The final…

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“The Committee” of the State Council on Education, Science, Youth and Sports rejected the amendment of the Crimean “vice-speaker” Remzi Ilyasov to the draft law on education, according to which it was proposed to make the Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar language learning compulsory in the Republic. KrymMedia informs about that. According to the opinion poll…

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Rainfalls that occurred on the peninsula led to excess water in Crimean reservoirs. Because of this, it was necessary to discharge water from some reservoirs. The “deputy head of the State Committee for Water Resources and Land Reclamation” of Crimea Vladimir Lysenko informed about that, RIA Novosti reports.    “There was almost five months worth…

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Today twice more tourists than last June are on vacation in Feodosia. The “head of Feodosia administration” Dmitriy Schepetkov informed about that, the media Novosti Kryma reports. “There is the unprecedented number of tourists as for June. There are much more people than last year. Official figures are higher by 60% compared to the last…

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Today’s cost of renting apartments in Crimea increased on average by 18% as against July 2014, and in the segment of private houses – by 20%. This is proved by the results of the joint research of Avito.ru and Domofond.ru portals, Izvestiya reports. According to this research, prices can vary significantly depending on the city….

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In the night of June 12, the sewer pipes broke down at the airport “Simferopol”, Krym Media reports. According to a passenger flying from Simferopol that night and a source at the airport, the fire safety system failed on-site, it went off without reason and as a result, the terminal A that was opened a…

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A student from Azerbaijan who graduated the Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University and obtained the Russian diploma was refused to legalize the document back home. Suleiman Huseynzade wrote about that in social network “Vkontakte”. “Last year I obtained the Russian diploma of the Crimean Federal University and came back home to Azerbaijan and suddenly I…

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Downpour that was on June 9 in the Crimean capital has washed away asphalt from streets of the town. KrymMedia informs about that. In particular, pieces of roadway are scattered along the Bespalova street, the Tolstoy street, the Rosy Lyuksemburg street, the Millera street, the Kyevskaya street, and the Pobeda avenue. “All the spring patches…

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Foodstuffs brought from Russia amount to 80% of the entire Crimean market. The so called Council of Ministers of Crimea made this report. “As for the deliveries from Ukraine, then nowadays diversification of deliveries takes place and virtually 80% of products come directly from the Russian Federation, so we will depend on Ukraine less and…

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Long queues to the city policlinic were recorded in Feodosia. The local newspaper “Kafa” got this information from its readers. People from Feodosia complain that they have to reserve a place in the queue to get at the doctor’s office starting from five o’clock in the morning. The policlinic chief physician Lyudmila Ivanova explained that…

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