Chubarov: Crimean “authorities” spread rumors about preparation of terrorist attacks in the peninsula

Politics, Reed

The occupation authorities of Crimea spread rumors that allegedly “Ukrainian nationalists” prepare terrorist attacks. The Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Refat Chubarov said about that as the 5 Kanal (Channel 5) informs.

According to him, an occupants’ theory is that a terrorist attack should be arranged to coincide with the anniversary of the genocide of the Crimean Tatar People on May 18. The Mejlis has already applied for holding the mourning meeting. This is the way occupation authorities intimidate the Crimean Tatars.    

“There are already signs, yesterday one of the so called vice prime-ministers of the so called Crimean government said that law enforcement agencies have reliable information that allegedly Ukrainian nationalists, Dzhemilev (the leader of the Crimean Tatar people) and Chubarov prepare a series of terrorist attacks the day before May 18, but the authorities will do everything possible in order to prevent this. I already think that it is the beginning of their answer on holding mourning meetings,” Chubarov said.

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