A new government-owned TV channel appeared in Sevastopol

Reed, Society

2412063362_bc2bb2a56c_bA new TV channel named “Informational Channel of Sevastopol” (ICS) began to work in Sevastopol. The so-called “governor” of the city Sergey Menyailo became one of the first guests of its live program, Kryminform reports.

“Foundation of a new city channel is a significant step of the integration into the informational realm of the Russian Federation. Television and other mass media are a sort of an independent branch of power, which should work together with citizens, executive and legislative branches of the city. It’s necessary not only to cover problems but also speak of actions taken for solving those problems,” Sergey Menyailo announced in a live program of the ICS.

As the Director General of the ICS Sergey Normanskiy informed, the “Informational Channel of Sevastopol” will broadcast within 12 hours every day.

“A founder of the TV channel is the Sevastopol government, but it doesn’t mean that we will speak only about the government. By the way, it will be also possible to watch a live webcast of the ICS programs on the channel website,” Normanskiy noted.

The Informational Channel of Sevastopol has been transformed from the television and radio broadcasting company “Sevastopol’s Television”, which had been shut down in the beginning of January 2015.

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