“The governor” of Sevastopol vetoed the law on tax percentage rates

Politics, Reed
Фото с сайта stroyobzor.ua/

Фото с сайта stroyobzor.ua/

“The governor” of Sevastopol put a veto on the law on tax percentage rates by implementation of the law on the free economic zone in Crimea and Sevastopol adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol, e-Krym informs.

According to the press-service of the Sevastopol’s “government”, the position of the “governor” is caused by the unacceptability of different tax assessments in the common economic space.  Besides, Menyailo thinks that the perceptible reduction of rates will actually increase the tax burden on enterprises-members of the free economic zone in 1.5 times that can result in a drain of investments and will negatively influence the investment climate in the longer term.

“The government” suggested to propose an amendment to the document, according to which the tax rate for tax on income in the free economic zone will be 2% within 3 years; 6% – since the 4th till the 9th years; 13,5% from the 9th year. The law has been sent for re-examination to the Legislative Assembly.

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