
Health resort institutions of Crimea suffer because of a lack of workers, who previously came from Ukraine and found work for a season. The so called Minister of Resorts of Crimea Elena Yurchenko said about that, Svezhaya gazeta reports. “The personnel problem exists and this problem is serious. About 50% of accommodation service personnel during…

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The professor of Taurida National University, head of the Russian and foreign literature department in the TNU named after V. I. Vernadsky Vladimir Kazarin thinks that the most active and gifted students leave Crimea for mainland Ukraine or Russia. He said that in the conversation with “I feel like about 15-17% of the students…

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There are 32% of interethnic households in Crimea. The head of the Federal State Statistics Service Aleksandr Surinov said that at the press conference in Yalta, Kryminform reports.   “The population of Crimea is liable to enter into a marriage with persons of other nationalities to a greater extent,” Surinov said.   Among national groups of…

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On June 10-11, the exhibition “Necropolis-Crimea 2015” will take place in the Yalta-Intourist hotel in Crimea. The producers of coffins, wreaths, tombstones and other funeral items will come from all over Russia. The CJI reports about that.  The exhibition is supported by the Yalta administration. Entrance is 500 rubles. Exhibitors will come to the South…

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According to the all-Crimean population census, there are 774 persons of unemployable age for 1 thousand of working-age population in the “Crimean Federal District”. At the average this index is 623 persons for 1 thousand people in Russia. The head of the Federal State Statistics Service Aleksandr Surinov said that at the press conference in…

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The Crimean “prime minister” Sergey Aksenov offers to use the technologies of Oman and Israel to collect and accumulate water from precipitation in Crimea, RIA Novosti reports.      “We need to implement things that work in other countries long before. In Oman (on the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula) people learned to collect water long…

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In Kyrgyzstan the local police detained the former chairman of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People Mustafa Dzhemilev. It is said on the Facebook page of the Presidential Commissioner on Crimean Tatar Affairs. The incident occurred at the airport in Bishkek, where Dzhemilev arrived to attend the international conference. The Kyrgyz police held him for…

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The Simferopol “prosecutor’s office” fined the director of the Silpo supermarket for violation of the labour rights of a minor child. Krym Media informs about that.   During the inspection it was found that the minor employee didn’t have a reduced working day, he worked on weekends and public holidays. Also it turned out that the…

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The Crimean “prosecutor’s office” revealed 2.9 thousand cases of violation of the child protection law in the course of inspections conducted in 2015. Krym Media informs about that.   Prosecutors took into account violations of housing and property rights of children, failure to comply with measures to protect the life and health of minors, ensure access…

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The “prosecutor” of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya said that the Investigative Committee of Russia identified the names of Crimean Euromaydan coordinators and would conduct an investigation against them. She wrote about that on her Facebook page.  “The investigators identified names and surnames of all leaders, who gathered the supporters of the so called ‘Euromaydan’ in Crimea…

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