Aksenov offers to solve the water supply problem of Crimea with the help of rainwater

Reed, Society

аксен глупThe Crimean “prime minister” Sergey Aksenov offers to use the technologies of Oman and Israel to collect and accumulate water from precipitation in Crimea, RIA Novosti reports.     

“We need to implement things that work in other countries long before. In Oman (on the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula) people learned to collect water long before and they have no problems related to desalination. They collect precipitation that fell in the mountains. Everything is organized and well-tested,” Aksenov told journalists.    

The “head” of Crimea expressed confidence that it is possible to do without the water supply from outside on the peninsula at all due to the rational use of available resources.

“We throw everything into the sea to no good. We have more than enough water, we can do without any outside help at all,” Aksenov emphasized.     

As a reminder, Ukraine provided up to 85 % of Crimean needs in fresh water through the North Crimean Canal. After the Russian occupation of Crimea, the water supply through the canal was completely stopped. As a result, the areas of irrigated lands in Crimea decreased by 9 times.   



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