Vacation in camps is too expensive for Sevastopol children

Reed, Society

дети кримOnly 350 children from Sevastopol had a chance to spend their vacation in children’s camps because of a high cost of vacation vouchers. The “deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly” Ekaterina Altabaeva informed about that, Kryminform reports.

“Today only 48 Sevastopol children rest in the camp Laspi. The camp can accommodate 520 children. The camp Omega transferred to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation can accommodate 350 persons, now only 70 persons have a rest there, but only 7 of them are the citizens of our town,” Altabaeva said.

According to the “deputy chairman”, Sevastopol kids can’t go to the camps because of a high cost of vacation vouchers. Therefore, she thinks that a system of benefits is required.

“It makes sense for Sevastopol citizens to provide preferences, so they can buy vouchers at prices, which are significantly lower than the commercial ones,” Altabaeva says.

The vacation voucher price for 20 days is ranging from 23 to 25 thousand rubles (from 9,200 to 10,000 hryvnyas at the exchange rate of the NBU) depending on living conditions in the children’s health improvement camp Laspi.


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