Ukraine is going to build the “European earthwork” on the border with Russia, – Yatsenyuk

Politics, Reed

стена границаThe prime minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk asserted that Ukraine builds the security line “European earthwork” on the border with the Russian Federation. It is said on the official website of the Ukrainian prime minister.

“Once again I want to inform all the pro-Russian forces: the European earthwork is being built and will be built. The security line is being built, functions and we will not give any possibility for terrorists, mercenaries, bandits and other associates of the Russian terrorism to pass weapon, cross the state border, overgo the security line and sent reconnaissance and sabotage groups there,” Yatsenyuk stated.

The prime minister noted that the Cabinet allocated UAH 235 MIO for the arrangement of the state border. By means of this money, the security line has been constructed, engineering structures and anti-tank ditches have been established on the border between Ukraine and Russia.

Yatsenyuk accused opponents of the fortification’s construction of support of the Russian terrorist aggression.

“The border is being built and will be built. The one, who opposes the border and security of Ukrainian citizens, supports the Russian terrorists and Russian aggression. We said, then we are doing so and we will finish that, emphasized the prime minister.

Arseniy Yatsenyk also stated that the construction of the primer line of defense, which borders with the ATO zone, remains the main task.

“This line that presently borders with the ATO zone does not allow Russian terrorists and mercenaries to penetrate the territories, which are and will be controlled by the Ukrainian authorities solely,” the prime minister of Ukraine assured.

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