Health resort services rose in price by 45.5% in Crimea

Reed, Society

санаторий москваIn Crimea, the cost of non-food products increased by 11.8% and the cost of services – by 13% during the first half of 2015. This is evidenced by Krymstat’s records.

Health-resort services that rose in price by 45.5% took the leading position in increased prices among other services. Intermediary services went up by 32.3%, consumer services – by 30.6%, medical services – by 19.2%, housing and communal services and passenger transport services – by 12.4%, fitness and sports services – by 12%.      

As for non-food products, bicycles and motorcycles rose in prices the most – by 63.4%, paper goods – by 35.2%, washing and cleaning products – by 32%, perfumes and beauty products – by 31.2%, porcelain crockery – by 31.2%, furniture – by 26.1%, medical products – 21.1%.  

As a reminder, the cost of minimum food basket amounted to 3380 rubles (1291.60 hryvnyas) per person as of the end of May that is 2.4% more than in April.  

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