Russia reduces expenses on Crimea for war

Politics, Reed

The Russian Ministry of Finance is planning to reduce the expenses of the Federal Target Programme for Crimea by almost 16%. At the same time, it is planned to increase the expenses on the defense sector, the “Gazeta.Ru” wrote. 

армия россии крым“Even expenses on Crimea will be reduced – the program of socio-economic development of the region until 2020 won’t receive 15.6% or 23.1 billion rubles in 2016,” the media informed.

It is noted that the Finance Ministry of the Russian Federation also proposed to grant the power to the Minister of Finance to personally reallocate up to 10% of all expenditure in favor of the security forces without any approvals.  

The reallocation of expenses was caused by projected increase in the budget deficit to 3.66% of GDP that means about 3 trillion rubles.  



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