Armchair commanders

Analyze, Politics, Society

армия3The modern rank and leading role assigning system in the Ukrainian army is based on getting the higher education in respective educational institutions. However, it does not contemplate with the present realities. War barks up the wrong tree and it turns out that it isn’t easy to manage on a battlefield without combat experience. What is more important for commanders in Donbass: theory or practice? A corresponded of the media “Pod Pricelom” tried to find out how to train the future leaders and improve the system of military schooling correctly. 


War according to a textbook

According to the “Regulations on military service by relevant categories of servicemen”, a military officer rank can be assigned only upon availability of university degree, special training and successful examination.

At the present, there is only one way of assigning the officer rank of sub-lieutenant to people, who don’t have education at university level and special theoretical training – to enlisted military servicemen and senior warrant officers, who were assigned for officer positions in wartime and perform their duties successfully.

However, if this option was possible during the Second World War in the USSR, it is impossible for the war in Donbass, because there is no official state of military law in Ukraine and it means that it is possible to receive a military officer rank only after a full-fledged training.

Such state of things would be praiseworthy if not the reverse side of coin.


Sign plates or trenches?

Executive officer Andrey

Executive officer Andrey

Example of the present war in Donbass shows that participation in battle actions is necessary for any officer-leader. Theoretical knowledge exclusively does not give a commander a chance to become acquainted with peculiarities of military equipment conditions, lack of provision, living conditions of the military, cooperation with volunteers and local populations, conduct of combat.

“Imagine,” the executive officer of the 3rd battalion of 72nd separate mechanised brigade Andrey says, “a person graduated a military academy, he has a military rank but he never took part in a battle. He comes to the frontline, walks along positions and says: “Why are there no sign plates in front of blindages with lists of soldiers that live there?” What sign plates? We need to dig trenches, there is no proper field kitchen, and he tells us about sign plates.

At the present, people who received higher education degree in military academies but do not have combat experience are appointed as command officers. Such examples bewilder the military that have been at the line of confrontation since the last spring or summer.

“Why don’t they go to the battle lines? They will better fight a little first and then become commanders. But no, they are nowhere to be seen,” the executive officer wonders, “However, they happen to be right here when sing plates have to be put.”


Obligatory trial by fire

армия1Nowadays, the war in the country makes the army solve issues fast and effectively. The situation in the east of the county obliges the military chiefs to have combat experience.

According to the military experts, the Ukrainian system of military ranks assignment is correct in general, because it allows officers to acquire managerial and organizational skills during theoretical trainings. Military education is a system of receiving fundamental knowledge and courses of trainings before assigning for a position, which can be taken only by people with higher education.

“Military knowledge system is extremely complicated,” the first deputy chief of the Ground Forces Academy of Ukraine, Colonel Aleksandr Sivak says. “There is a good analogy with the civil life here: the one who produces a detail with masterly skills, most of the times can not be in charge of production of a plant. So, the one who individually behaves courageously and wisely on a battlefield may not always cope with planning and management in a battle and responsibility for a company or a battalion.”

At the same time, experts agree that successful performance of duties in battle conditions is a crucial factor for assigning an officer for a superior position. According to specialists, such an officer has a preference for assigning for a higher position as compared to an officer that does not have combat experience.

Unfortunately, such an approach isn’t established in Ukraine, this is why people without combat experience are often appointed for leading positions, while experienced servicemen don’t have the possibility to rapidly receive the needed education.

A system of  course trainings that in the wartime will be performed in a form of short-term courses for the military, which can help them to adjust to a higher position, can become a solution of the issue for the country.

At the same time, it is needed to provide a possibility for every armchair officer to perform duties in the ATO zone during some time, before assigning him for a position.

“All of this is called a system of professional growth and ongoing military education that will bring the best representatives of the officer corps to the leadership. Regulatory support of creation of such a system isn’t complicated and large in volume. Willingness is needed,” Aleksandr Sivak states.

Consequently, the required theoretical knowledge for the military leadership is needed to be combined with obligatory combat experience that will allow commanders to successfully perform their functions in the combat zone of our country.

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