Ukrainian businessmen are trying to return the nationalized property through court actions

Politics, Reed, Society

Sanatorium-resort complex “Aivazovsky”

Ukrainian property owners file claims in Russian courts because of nationalization of their property in the territory of Crimea, the newspaper Izvestiya informs.

In particular, Russian courts of arbitration received claims seeking to review the nationalization of the sanatorium-resort complex “Aivazovsky” near Alushta, owned by the businessman Sergiy Taruta, the nationalization of recreational house “Massandra” in Yalta, owned by the governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region Ihor Kolomoyskuy, is contested. The Ukrainian company “Atomprofozdorovnutsya” insists on ineligibility of the nationalization of the departmental sanatorium “Girskuy” (Livadiya).    

“Now dozens of similar claims are submitted or prepared, Ukrainian property owners try to contest the results of privatization by various means,” the General Director of the Moscow law firm Urvista Oleksiy Petropolskiy, whose company is actively involved in land disputes in Crimea, said.  

According to expert opinion, in these conditions former owners won’t be able to return the nationalized real estate properties. They can only expect to get financial compensation. “An owner has the right to receive the value of property and compensation for damages. This is a common practice that has been already applied in the Russian Federation,” the executive director of the “Padva & Epstein” legal affairs bureau Anton Babenko thinks. 

As reference. The nationalization in Crimea began on March 17, 2014 and ended on March 1, 2015. About 250 property units, including property owned by the Ukrainian businessmen Ihor Kolomoyskuy, Sergiy Taruta and Rinat Ahmetov, have been nationalized during this period.

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