Ukrainian TV channels stopped broadcasting in Crimea

Reed, Society

channelVirtually all cable TV providers stopped broadcasting the Ukrainian channels in Crimea. Sobytiya Kryma informs about that.

Over 90% of the cable television providers of Crimea stopped broadcasting Ukrainian informational, social and political TV channels. The Minister of Internal Policy, Information and Connection of Crimea Dmitriy Polonskiy announced about that on the meeting of the State Council Committee on the information policy, connection and mass communications. “In the end of the last year approximately 200 cable TV providers worked in Crimea but studying the situation today we can see that cable TV providers have already stopped to broadcast Ukrainian informational, social and political channels in 97 – 98% cases,” Polonskiy informed.

At the same time, he asserts that the refusal from Ukrainian channels has nothing to do with policy, but it is an independent decision of providers. “Cable TV providers did it not because of some administrative lead but because of absence of viewer’s interest, the TV channels stopped being in demand among the Crimeans, but there are still Ukrainian entertaining TV channels in the network, because it is business,” the minister assured.


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