Death rate exceeds birth rate in Sevastopol

Reed, Society

In Sevastopol, a number of deaths exceeded a number of births by 227 people during the first quarter.

смертность рождаемостьThis is evidenced by the Sevastopolstat data.

In particular, 1317 children were born in the hero-city during the first three month of 2016, representing an increase of 93 children compared to the same period of 2015.

At the same time, the number of deaths in a given period amounted to 1,544 people (69 people less than in 2015). The number of died people included 765 men (49.5%) and 779 women (50.5%).

The number of deaths exceeds the number of births by 1.2 times.

The “director” of the Health Department Yuriy Voskanyan explains the increase of mortality by the presence of migrants.

“In 2015, Sevastopol experienced the growth in total mortality. There were 535 more people died than in 2014. 830 of 6,072 died people were not the residents of the city and it was 14% of the total number of deaths,” Voskanyan said.

As a reminder, in Crimea, the number of deaths exceeds the number of births by 1.4 times during the first quarter of 2016.


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