Russian private investors refuse to build airport in Simferopol

Reed, Society

Russian private investors refuse to enter into commitments to build a new terminal of the airport “Simferopol” (the airport named after Amet-Khan Sultan) in spite of the promises of the so called Crimean authorities to build it only for private funds. The Russian newspaper Kommersant informs about that.  

Thus, according to newspaper’s sources, investors have not been yet found as of today. 

“There are no obvious candidates on the market now, probably, Crimean authorities will develop the airport by attracting funds from the state, it can be not direct investments from the budget, but borrowed funds, for example,” one of the sources said.

Another source added that after the Dobrolet airline company ceased its operation in August 2014 having been placed under the sanctions because of flights to Crimea, “the interest of private investors to the project went down”.


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