MP: Status of Crimea will be enshrined in new Constitution

Politics, Reed

211546Status of occupied territories will be enshrined in the new Constitution. The MP, member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy and Justice Vadim Denisenko informed about that, the Analytical News Service reports.

“At first we will adopt the constitutional changes in the area of decentralization. To my mind, we will do that before local elections. Then, constitutional changes in the juridical system will be adopted. And only then, we will consider human rights during the third wave of changes to the Basic Law. It is more likely that the paragraph on occupied territories will be enshrined in this section,” Denisenko said.

The MP didn’t specify what status exactly Crimea should have in the new Basic Law.

“The constitutional process is still very long. There is time to work out the most appropriate legal status for Crimea,” the people’s deputy said and expressed the hope that the situation with the peninsula might change by that time.

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