Crimean Drugs Police supported new Kazantip

Reed, Society

казантип“Crimean department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation” supports organizing the new Kazantip – the youth festival of electronic music Befooz – on the peninsula. The department’s press service informs about that.

“Crimean Drugs Police never objected to organize any musical youth festivals on the peninsula. If everything is within the limits of the Law and in compliance with established rules, there are no obstacles to hold such events,” the press-service reports the head of the “Regional department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Crimea” Fahrudin Gadzhiahmedov as saying.

However, Fahrudin Gadzhiahmedov said that law enforcement officers would closely monitor the running of all events in any case. Crimea is interested in increasing the flow of tourists, but only those who spend their holidays in a civilized manner.

The international youth festival of electronic music Kazantip, which is the largest one on the territory of the former CIS, was held in Crimea until 2013. However, after the annexation of the peninsula the festival left Crimea and took place already in Georgia in 2014. 

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