eBay left Crimea as well

Reed, Society

Online shopping platform eBay announced the inability to organize appropriate operation of the service in Crimea. TASS informs about that.

“As a global platform for e-commerce, eBay company has to be able to offer its clients the trouble-free service on all markets, where we operate. We regret that at that moment we are not able to provide our clients in Crimea with a high-level support. We informed all clients in Crimea about the situation that happened and our support service is ready to help each of them. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and look forward to the time, when the situation will change in the region to return to Crimea and ensure the stable operation of all our services,” the statement said.

As a reminder, the company PayPal, which is a daughter company of eBay, stopped operating on the peninsula.

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