Crimean ports can’t develop because of sanctions

Politics, Reed

севморпорт1Due to sanctions of the West and transport isolation of the peninsula, profitability of the Crimean ports decreased that complicates their development and keeping in proper technical condition. The director general of the State Unitary Enterprise “Crimean Sea Ports” Andrey Vasyuta informed about that, KrymMedia reports.      

According to him, 7 million tons of cargos were handled in Crimean ports in 2012, while in 2014 – 3 million tons. “This situation virtually ruled out the possibility for its own investment in the prospective development of ports and maintaining their formal technical condition,” Vasyuta said.

In addition, as the director general of the enterprise noted, the Crimean ports experience problems in adjusting regulatory documents to statutes of the Russian law that in practice “may lead to their [ports] complete stop.” “All these activities, such as drawing-up of boundaries of ports and water area, obtaining a permit for related activities, certification of hydraulic engineering structures, handling systems and so on, require not only time but also financial expenses,” Vasyuta explained.   

In this regard, the director general of the State Unitary Enterprise “Crimean Sea Ports” appealed to federal officials to extend the transition period for Crimean ports to prepare the necessary documents. Also he asked to allow them to operate on the basis of existing Ukrainian documents.

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