Crimean activist: Occupants destroy all Ukrainian in Crimea

Politics, Reed, Society

ковальскийOccupation authorities are trying to destroy all Ukrainian in Crimea. This opinion was expressed by the head of the “Coordination Council of non-governmental organizations of IDPs from Crimea” Sergiy Kovalsky during the round table “The impact of temporary occupation on the Ukrainians of Crimea: assimilation pressure and forced migration”.

“What happens to people of different nationalities in Crimea? As for the Ukrainians, the position was very simple: to destroy everything that is Ukrainian in Crimea. Just everything. In other words, in fact, it is the destruction of the Ukrainian identity at all. We can see that in terms of the “Euromaydan-Crimea” – the Ukrainians were immediately taken as prisoners and tortured,” the activist said.

In his opinion, the occupation authority took a hard line towards the Ukrainians since its first days.

“From the very beginning the policy towards the Ukrainians and the Crimean Tatars was different. At first, the occupant tried to act using the stick and the carrot policy towards the representatives of the Crimean Tatar people, that is to come to the agreement. As for the Ukrainians, they acted in a different way – they didn’t want any agreement, they just destroyed everything,” Sergiy Kovalsky summed up.


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