
International sanctions along with crisis create problems for Russia when it comes to financing the construction of power plants in Crimea. Vedomosti informs about that. According to one of the press interlocutors who is close to the meetings of the curator of Crimea Dmytro Kozak, the scheme of financing the construction of power plants has…

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As currency crashes and products, goods and services become more expensive, in Ukraine there is a tendency of irritation and direct non-acceptance of the problems of IDPs. The coordinator of the initiative Crimea SOS Tamila Tasheva announced that at the press-conference in Kiev.    During the two and a half months – from January 16…

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There is traffic congestion for departure at entry-exit checkpoints on the administrative border with the temporarily occupied Crimean territory. The State border guard service of Ukraine informs about that.  “The reasons for such traffic congestion are low checkpoint handling capacity and slow customs processing of vehicles by the Russian side. So, for example, today cargo…

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The pro-Russian newspaper “Krymskaya Pravda” is holding an opinion poll “How would you answer the questions of the Crimean Referendum today?” on its webpage right now. Most of respondents would agree for the broad autonomy within Ukraine. Thus, 65% (1295 people) out of 1997 respondents, who took part at the survey, would vote for the…

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Three Simferopol activists have been detained because of Ukrainian flags on the meeting in honor of Taras Shevchenko’s birthday. The activist of Crimean Euromaidan and forced migrant Lyuba Kalmakova informed about that in social networks. “Right after the event was over, the organizer Leonid Kuzmin approached representatives of the police to ask if everything had…

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The ex-mayor of Kerch Oleg Osadchy was charged with abuse of power related to the changes of boundaries of a land parcel in the center of the city, the Kryminform agency reports. As a source in the law-enforcement authorities informed the agency, charges against Osadchy were filed on Thursday. According to the source, on March…

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Sevastopol businessmen raised concerns about the nationalization processes initiated by “the authorities”. “The chairman” of the Budget Committee of the Sevastopol Legislative Assembly Vyacheslav Aksenov informed about that. “I had a meeting with Vyacheslav Ivanovich Gorbatov on Monday. He is the head of our Sevastopol All-Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, who said that the…

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Ukrainian property owners file claims in Russian courts because of nationalization of their property in the territory of Crimea, the newspaper Izvestiya informs. In particular, Russian courts of arbitration received claims seeking to review the nationalization of the sanatorium-resort complex “Aivazovsky” near Alushta, owned by the businessman Sergiy Taruta, the nationalization of recreational house “Massandra”…

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The decision of the US President Barack Obama to extend financial and economic sanctions against Russia and Crimea for one year is politically based and won’t affect the economy of Crimea. The “chairman” of the Accounts Chamber Anatoliy Zaichenko informed about that.   “This question should be considered only politically. By making such decision, Washington…

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Today in the Moscow’s Basmanny District Court, where another hearing on the Nadezhda Savchenko’s case took place, the pilot has stated that she intended to continue the hunger-strike until a fair trial. UNIAN reports about that.  “I don’t stop the hunger-strike until a fair trial,” the pilot announced. Savchenko promised that when the trial restrictions…

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