
In the morning of March 14 it was reported that activists Aleksandr Kravchenko and Leonid Kuzmin were detained by the Simferopol “law enforcement agencies” and the “self-defense force”. Besides them, a journalist of a polish TV channel Polsat News in Moscow Tomash Kulakovsky was also detained. They were sent to a “district police station”, where…

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Detention of the journalist and editor of the Center of Investigative Reporting Natalya Kokorina became the pick-of-the-day on March 13. On the eve of this event the international human rights organization “Reporters without boarders” stated that one year after the Russian annexation of Crimea there are virtually no independent media left in the peninsula, and…

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The leaders of countries that introduced sanctions against Crimea should apologize. The “chairman” of the State Council of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov said about that at the press-conference in Simferopol, Kryminform reports. Konstantinov called the sanctions humiliation and the future visit to Crimea that, in his opinion, seems to be possible – immoral behavior.  “The attitude…

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The State Security Service of Ukraine detected about 600 anti-Ukrainian and separatist groups in social networks. Most of them (around 80%) are administrated from Russia, Crimea and Donbass. The chief of Informational Security Department of the State Security Service of Ukraine Vitaliy Nayda told about such groups as “Antimaydan” that was created in the social…

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Leonid Kuzmin, who organized the event in honor of Taras Shevchenko’s birthday in Simferopol, was sentenced to 40 hours of corrective work for using the Ukrainian symbolism during the event.  QHA informs about that. Three witnesses were heard in the case of Kuzmin. One of them, a police officer, said that the detainee kept in…

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The so-called speaker of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov stated that Ukraine brought criminals to Crimea. He announced that at the press conference in Simferopol, the media 15 minutes reports. Konstantinov said that Crimea is very safe nowadays, as the deliveries of criminals from mainland Ukraine have ceased. “There is no criminality as such, it decreased in…

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The former Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama, who arrived in Crimea some days ago, plans to stay on the peninsula in the event that he won’t be allowed to come back. TASS informs about that.  The Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Crimean Federal District Oleg Belaventsev said the former prime minister of…

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Crimean activists believe that sentiment of Crimeans depends on consistency of the state policy of Ukraine and call the authorities to establish required executive bodies dealing with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The co-facilitator on protection of Crimean Tatar people’s rights Eskender Bariev announced about that during the press conference in Kiev, which took place…

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At the beginning of March queues to the state services increased again. Most of Crimeans appeal to the State Committee of State Registration and Cadaster, Department of the Federal Migration Service and to the STSI. The press service of the Crimean “government” informed about that.  “Unfortunately, we have to acknowledge that compared to the last…

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The organizer of the Taras Shevchnko’s memorial event in Simferopol that took place on March 9, Leonid Kuzmin was discharged from employment because of incompetence and “undermining of moral values of the Russian society”. reports about that. The court postponed hearing of the case of all the three activists detained during the meeting for…

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