The Night Wolves leader demanded satisfaction from Chaly

Politics, Reed, Society

волкиThe leader of the Russian motorcycle club “Night Wolves” Aleksandr Zaldostanov, better known as “The Surgeon”, demanded satisfaction from the “head” of Sevastopol Legislative Assembly Aleksey Chaly due to the suspension of the land allocation for bikers. Krym Media informs about that.    

“Chaly, the Surgeon challenged you to a duel at any informational portal for any audience. You will get answers to all your lies and incompetence there. Your motives are not fully clear for us, but we will sort out them,” a video message that the Zaldostanov’s club colleagues read on behalf of him says.

On May 12, the Sevastopol authorities transferred the land parcel near the Gasfort Mountain to the Night Wolves to create an entertaining and educational park and recreational area. They planned to receive wedding processions and arrange School Farewell Bell celebrations. However, the Sevastopol “governor” Sergey Menyaylo suspended his order on the land allocation for the Night Wolves motorcycle club.   

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