Prices for Crimean real estate stabilized

Reed, Society

дом у моряIn Crimea Real estate prices stabilized after the two month long recession in April. It is reported in a review of the REM Navigator analytical system.

On the existing homes market cost of one square meter in a single bedroom apartment amounted to $1363, in a two-room apartment – $1348, in a three room apartment – $948, in houses – $1250.

According to the experts, “unsatisfactory economic situation and negative statistic data continue to influence the real estate market.”

Numbers of offers on the real estate market increased by 4% in April, but buying activity remained negligible. Mostly single-room flats and country-houses were in demand.

Experts predict further recession of the real estate market, which is typical for the summer months.


As a reminder, Crimean real estate dropped in prices by 3%



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