Prices for new cars raised by 20% in Crimea

Politics, Reed

автоCompared to the last year new cars rose in price in average by 20% in Crimea. It was reported in the marketing department of the company grouping “Avtodel”, Krym Media informs.

According to analysts, first of all, it is connected to the fact that because of devaluation of the ruble Russian distributors raised prices for cars. “In fact, prices for cars in Crimea are the same as in other regions of Russia,” the company said.

At the same time, according to figures from analysts, presently new cars in Crimea are cheaper at the average by 15 – 20 % than in Ukraine.

Besides that, the company noted, that after feverish demand for cars in December 2014, in February-March sale volumes have drastically reduced in Crimea that corresponds the all-Russian tendency.

Certain experts of the car market consider that April and May will become the hardest months for the dealers with the general sale volume recession up to 50%.

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