Russian Crimea: education by hatred

Analyze, Education

аксенов и зубыRenaming of the Ukrainian theatre, dissolution of the Ukrainian gymnasium in Simferopol, pulling down of Ukrainian monuments and struggle with its symbols are the fight of occupation authorities against external evidences of the Ukrainian heritage in Crimea. But the authorities understand perfectly well that the main fight is for people’s minds. And it is not referring to old-timer pensioners dreaming about the Soviet Union but to their grandchildren. It is necessary to sterilize these millennials, who are the generation of the open global space growing up without knowing about the “greatness” of Russia and being not infected with the idea of the Russian world, and teach them to hate.

The Ukrainian gymnasium in Simferopol was the first one captured at the beginning of the occupation. Occupants clearly understood that here, among the kids, there is a catastrophe waiting to happen in the offing and it is can’t be bought for the grandmother’s pension and parental salary. Personal perception of environment is outvalue. I enjoy independence and have the right to choose the world where I am going to live instead of the offered one to replace my usual free, familiar and clear community. Hence the hate of the peninsula authorities to Ukrainian books, which have to be burnt, the Ukrainian theatre that has to be renamed, “khokhol-banderist language” with some letters needed to be replaced by the Russian once in order to raise an extreme zero tolerance.

People in Russia are well aware of the problem of the “right” education. There were too many precedents with performing of the Ukrainian national anthem and songs at schools, pavements and bridges painted in the national colors, graffiti and other youth idea such as symbols on clothing, imitation jewelry, stickers on notebooks and so on. It is not to mention groups in the social networks and posts of parents:

The holiday of Peoples’ Friendship took place in our school yesterday. All children were divided into 2 groups: Russians and Tatars. The teacher said that it would be better if nobody came dressed in Ukrainian outfits to avoid a scolding from administration. As a result, nobody came wearing Russian outfits but a lot of kids were dressed in vyshyvankas. In one word, this holiday was very good.

Institute for sterilization

The mission of “sterilizer” of young minds of pupils in Russian Crimea was entrusted to the Crimean Republican Institute of Pedagogical Postgraduate Education headed by the Doctor of Philology, Professor Alexander Rudyakov. In this institution more than 23 thousand teachers of the peninsula got training courses during this summer. According to the website of the institute, “350 lecturers from leading universities and educational institutions of the Russian Federation provided the process of qualification upgrading” Also the institute “retrained” all former teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature who stayed to work.

The Russian mentors gave the correct instructions about the procedure and topics of lessons and educational activities in schools during a massive retraining of teachers. The general line is clear. Catherine Altabaeva, who is the vice-chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol, the historian and the author of the course “Sevastopol studies”, formulated it: “When we looked at our young people in February and March, of course, we understood that we have defended them although not all. There can’t be the madness that we observe in other regions of Ukraine, even in Kharkov and Odessa… Russian not Russian-speaking people also live there but their minds are already tainted by the Ukrainian educational system so much that they don’t make a stand. ”

Correction of mistakes

Recently, on the 13th of November, Simferopol schools got the letter signed by the rector Nikolay Rudyakov, in which it was recommended to analyze the poem “Correction of mistakes” by Anatoly Pshenichny at the Russian literature lessons in high school and held a classroom lecture on “How the destiny of the whole country is reflected in one letter” (originals of the letter and the poem are published below).

Keeping in mind school criteria of a lesson plan, it can be presented in such as follows:

The topic: infecting with the hatred

Tools: inciting hatred

The intermediate goal: education by hatred

The ultimate goal: to raise the Russians in Crimea.

The keynote of this worthy of chanson writing that was recommended by the Doctor of Philology Rudyakov is the refrain: “We corrected the mistake / It is another letter (the Russian one and not Ukrainian – author’s note) written in the word “Crimea”. It is offered to educate pupils through such highly poetic epithets as “unshaven faces”, “by frightening a hedgehog with a naked booty”, etc. Of course, a lyrical hero is a well-known “Commander” (bearing in mind Aksenov or even Putin), whom pupils are offered to “raise a toast to”.

Pathological hate to all Ukrainian things, specifically Gogol’s Viy, “beautiful khokhlushkas” (Ukrainian girls – author’s note), Kiev, which grandfathers fought for and now “reliable Donetsk guys” continue to do that, has one aim. It is to infect with hatred and create cognitive dissonance in the mind of young people.

Recommended blunt couplets with a set of such hackneyed phrases burning in the mind as “replacing letters”, “to correct the mistake”, “they hit in the back”, “sons are responsible for their fathers”, “ghouls in the guise of leaders”, “threatening… to burn Russia with the help of storm!” are just aimed for that.

Probably, the expert of the Russian poetry, Professor Rudyakov thinks that it is needed to cultivate the Russian identity just on such poems. He found support in the person of Catherine Altabaeva, who claims that “the Russian identity is impossible if a person doesn’t enter the world he belongs to. This is what will allow a child to feel that he belongs to the Russian world.”

According to this example of the sublime poetry, which was offered to pupils, the Russian world doesn’t mean Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky but means the singer of satirical songs Pshenichny. Being in the right mind, it is difficult to imagine that lines “my friend, let’s give to fatherland this sunny impulse of the soul” and “by frightening a hedgehog with a naked booty” could be discussed together on the lessons of the really great Russian literature.


The Rector of the CRIPPE Alexander Rudyakov was included in the commission to work out the “Strategy of the education development in the Russian Federation” in 2015-2025. The main goals of this strategy are the promotion of the Russian civil identity, intercultural understanding and respect, improvement of the world around. Thuswise, it will be based on main national values of the Russian society including the man’s inner world.

After what it was said (from newspapers): “The President of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksenov awarded the Rector of the CRIPPE, professor and Doctor of Philology Alexander Nikolaevich Rudyakov a commendation of the Head of the Republic of Crimea for his personal contribution to the education development in Crimea, high professionalism and creative approach to the performance of professional duties.

Gennady Borisenko

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