The President of Ukraine reported on recovering UAH 3.7 billion stolen during the annexation of Crimea

Politics, Reed

порошенкоOn January 15, Ukraine has recovered UAH 3.7 billion stolen during the annexation of Crimea. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko informed about that at a meeting with leaders of parliamentary fractions, Krym.Realii reports with reference to the government’s press service.

“Yesterday we returned UAH 3.7 billion, which were stolen during the annexation of Crimea, to Ukraine,” the President said.

The report didn’t contain any details about a sum of money.

In September 2014, the Head of the National Bank of Ukraine Valeria Gontareva informed about UAH 3.9 billion in cash kept at the Ukrainian National Bank’s vaults on the peninsula as of March 16.   On May 8, 2014, a group of armed men came to the building of the main department of the NBU in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and blocked its activity.


A few days ago the so-called prime-minister of Crimea Sergey Aksenov ordered to create a working group for examination of issues related to inventory and movements of cash and other assets kept in cash vaults of the main department of the National Bank of Ukraine in Crimea.

As a reminder, today Crimean “authorities” started to take an inventory of monetary funds and assets in the vaults of the National Bank of Ukraine on the territory of the peninsula. Today the order of the “premier” of Crimea Sergey Aksenov to create a special working group was published on the official website of the regional Council of Ministers.

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