Students will have fun in the Soviet way in Crimea

Reed, Society

студотрядThe youth public organization “Russian students’ teams” starts to function on the territory of the occupied peninsula. KrymMedia informs about that.

Students, who “are offered a possibility to engage in an interesting activity outside of the classrooms”, are enlisted to the students’ teams. With this purpose, it is needed to fill an application, specifying the most preferable direction of activity: “construction teams”, “pedagogical teams”, “agricultural teams”, “group of guides”, “cross-sectional teams” “specialized groups”. According to the information of the organization, on an average

The members of student teams earn on an average 15 000 RUB (8 000 UAH) per month during the summer time.

As a reminder, the military-patriotic events, one of which is the military sports game “Zarnitsa”, are going to be held for the Crimean pupils in spring.

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