Mass media: the construction of the Kerch strait bridge started in Crimea

Politics, Reed

МостConstruction of the Kerch strait bridge was started on the outskirts of Kerch in Crimea, the mass media reports quoting the Facebook community “My Simferopol”.

It is also noted that the bridge construction works are already performed on the Krasnodar Krai coast and the Tuzla Spit.   

Construction of the Kerch strait bridge was started on the outskirts of Kerch in Crimea. As a reminder, at the same time there are construction works on the Krasnodar Krai coast and the Tuzla Spit. 

Posted by Mysimf – My Simferopol on May 16, 2015

As a reminder, in April Sergey Aksenov said that there is no required amount of construction materials in Crimea to build the Kerch strait bridge. 

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