In Crimea the cost of the minimum food basket was 3305,04 rubles (1274,46 UAH at the NBU exchange rate on March 24, 2015) per person as of February 2015. The “Local Agency” of the Federal State Statistics Service of Crimea informs about that.
This index increased by 4% since January, and since the start of the year – by 17%.
The total cost of consumer basket (basket of consumer goods and services) in Crimea was 10,021,44 rubles per person (3864,37 UAH at the NBU exchange rate on March 24, 2015). According to “Krymstat”, this sum has increased by 2% within a month, and by 10% – since the start of the year.
According to reports of statisticians, in December 2014, the average salary was almost 22 thousand rubles (8483 UAH at the NBU exchange rate on March 24, 2015) in Crimea.
As a reminder, the “government” of Crimea is trying to stabilize food prices.