Heavy rain caused flooding in Simferopol (Photo)

Reed, Society

ливень6Many streets of the Crimean capital were completely flooded as the result of heavy rain that battered the city, Krym Media reports. 

Traditionally, the biggest harm was done at the square near the railway station, where the water level was up to people’s knees and sometimes even up to their waist. Water flooded the car hoods and minibuses cabins.

This situation happened because storm water sewers still don’t operate properly in the city.

“There were a lot of promises from officials that storm water systems would be cleaned and they would get everything under control. But the problem is still not solved. Each time when it is heavy rain, we have a natural disaster! For example, old ladies move while being in water up to the waist,” a local woman says.

As a reminder, at the end of May, there was two month’s rainfall in some areas of Crimea.           






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