Author: Юлия Балка

The Ministry of Property and Land Relations of Crimea initiated an auction, the item of which was the leasing of the current Crimean Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate premise (CD of UOC-KP).     The starting price of the premise with a total area of 112.6 m2 located at 17, Sevastopolskaya…

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On April 1, the world’s only TV-channel broadcasting in the Crimean Tatar language ATR has been shut down.  It would be possible to qualify this fact as a joke, but Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications (Roskomnadzor) that refused to accept application for reregistration of the TV-channel a couple of times,  would hardly…

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Last week the majority of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted for introduction of amendments to a law on the special self-governing status in Donbass. At the same time, with fierce battles reinforced by endless criticism by the “Radical Party” of Oleg Lyashko regarding “top-dressing” of the Russian aggressor with small pieces of territories, a Resolution…

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Our train from Kiev arrives to the half-empty train station of Slovyansk at half past 7 in the morning. People unhurriedly get out of the carriages: mostly these are elder women with the fabled plaid bags. Packs of dogs, which are chased by employees of the station from time to time, run along the tracks….

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On January 4, the Ukraine Crisis Media Center presented the initiative Free Crimea created with the support of the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine and the company Berta Communications. As the organizers say, their main goal is to resist to the Russian aggression by informing the society. The political expert Taras Berezovets, who is the project…

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Aksenov said that mass media, which didn’t recognize Crimea as a part of Russia, shouldn’t work on the peninsula. The Crimean Tatar TV channel ATR was accused of extremism. Since the beginning of occupation, the TV channel “Russia 24” operates on the frequencies of the opposition channel “Chernomorka”. GTRK “Krym”, which has been a true…

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Stanislav Krasnov is the commander of the battalion “Crimea” who was proactively involved into Euromaidan events. He thinks that the story of his moving to Kiev, the creation of the battalion and participation in the war is worthy of detective novels. He led the local organization of the “Svoboda” party in Simferopol but left this…

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The head of All-Ukrainian organization “Don’t be indifferent!”, author of projects directed to support the Ukrainian language, literature and history Oksana Levkova who visited more than 3 thousand Ukrainian schools told about the educational and cultural policy in Crimea, Donbas and the movie “Holodny Yar” Society reacted positively towards the release of “Holodny Yar” movie. …

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On the 12th of November the presentation of a new book “Painted history of independence of Ukraine” by Kapranov brothers, where the Commissioner of the President on the Affairs of Crimean Tatars Mustafa Dzhemilev was invited, took place in the bookstore “YE”. This analogue of the Ukrainian history textbook has 87 pages. Dmitry Kapranov, who…

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This week Ukraine celebrates Dignity Revolution anniversary. The head of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people and deputy candidate who entered the Verkhovna Rada through the list of Presedent’s party Refat Chubarov recalled about the first “Maydans” in Crimea during the meeting with students of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. He assessed events that happened…

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