Simferopol park is buried in rubbish

Reed, Society

Bulldozer on Trash DumpThere is a lot of rubbish accumulated in the Simferopol park of the 50th anniversary of the USSR located at the Zaleskaya St. The Simferopol “State Council’s” deputy Yuriy Zhdanov informed about that, Krym.Media reports.

“The park is fully littered with rubbish. Soon half-meter rats will run instead of children there,” the deputy said.

According to him, it didn’t use to be like that before – the territory was cleaned regularly.

The first “deputy” of the head of the city administration Sergey Krutsyuk charged the Municipal Service Department with the task to monitor the situation with cleaning of the park.

As a reminder, there was the problem of the Inkerman domestic waste landfill that is filled with rubbish “coming” from Bakhchisaray raised recently. According to environmentalists, this landfill is illegal, so garbage disposal to this landfill is unacceptable.    

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