Silpo chain director was fined for illegal child labour in Crimea

Politics, Reed

imagesThe Simferopol “prosecutor’s office” fined the director of the Silpo supermarket for violation of the labour rights of a minor child. Krym Media informs about that.  

During the inspection it was found that the minor employee didn’t have a reduced working day, he worked on weekends and public holidays. Also it turned out that the teenager was employed without any medical examination that is mandatory. 

The case on the administrative violation under Part 1 Art. 5.27 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation (violation of the labour legislation) was initiated against the supermarket director. As a result, the labour inspection fined the offender 5 thousand rubles.

Earlier, the administration of one of the Silpo supermarkets in Simferopol was held administratively liable for non-compliance with fire safety regulations and fined 150 thousand rubles.    

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