Crimean Euromaidan activist is tortured in Simferopol pretrial detention facility

Politics, Reed, Society

xw_1049377Crimean Maidan activist Aleksandr Kostenko, who was detained on February 5, has informed he has been tortured in the Simferopol detention facility. It is stated on the website of the Crimean Field Mission on Human Rights.

Aleksandr Kostenko, who is currently in the Simferopol pretrial facility, wrote an open letter, where he stated about constant abuse and threats. Kostenko informed that he is required to depose against participants of the Euromaidan.

Dmitriy Sotnikov, the detainee’s lawyer, required administration of the pretrial detention facility to conduct investigation and take appropriate measures.

“Not only that Kostenko was delivered to the pretrial detention facility with signs of tortures but he is also regularly subjected to beatings while already being in the remand prison,” the lawyer’s announcement says.

As a reminder, Kostenko is accused of throwing a stone at a serviceman of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kiev on February 18, 2014.

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