Most of the Ukrainians consider Crimea as their territory, – according to the survey

Reed, Society

CrimeaAlmost 70% of the Ukrainians think that Crimea is the territory of Ukraine that has been annexed by the Russian Federation. Iryna Bekeshkina, the director of the “Democratic Initiative Foundation named after Ilko Kucheriv”, informed about that during the round-table meeting “Crimea – one year after the annexation. What’s next?”

However, the same amount of people considers that the problem of the return of Crimea is urgent.  42% of the Ukrainians believe it is needed to be deal with it already today. At the same time 39% of the Ukrainians, who live in Donbass, maintain an attitude that Crimea has used its right for the self-determination, so this is why they don’t see any reasonability of the return of the peninsula. 37% of people from Donetsk still advocate for the return of Crimea but to do that in some time from now because they believe that it is possible to temporary postpone this issue.

Bekeshkina also informed that every 10th respondent believes that Crimea is the territory that doesn’t belong either to Russia or Ukraine. “Another 8% of people were not able to clearly determinate their position regarding the status of the peninsula,” she summarized, adding that the survey has been held this year in January among 4413 respondents in 11 regions of Ukraine, except the Lugansk region and Crimea.

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