Valuable cargo is lost on the way to Crimea

Reed, Society

фура ночьNot all cargo sent from Russia is delivered to Crimea. A Crimean businessman told about that to the newspaper “Svezhaya gazeta”.

In December, his building company didn’t receive the cargo in two delivery trucks for a total amount of 2.5 million rubles. According to the businessman, he tracked a route of cargo that didn’t get to Crimea and found out its destiny. But law enforcement bodies don’t give any response.    

“We wrote statements for the police of Rostov, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk and Simferopol,” the businessman says.

The businessman asserts that his goods carried from Voronezh and Novorossiysk were sold for scrap by a group of swindlers in Rostov. At that, the value of the cargo was higher than its selling for scrap.   

According to the information of the Crimean businessman, five goods truck disappeared in the same way just in December 2014.


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