“Krymstat” recorded a drop in income among the residents of the peninsula

Reed, Society

доход падениеLoss of average wages by 17%, up to 18 thousand rubles (7.5 thousand UAH), was recorded in Crimea in January. Center for Investigative Reporting informs about that.

As the “Local Agency of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Republic of Crimea” announced in the Summary on the socio-economic situation of the Republic of Crimea in January-February 2015 on its website, the average monthly salary amounted to 17912 rubles in January 2015.

“Local Agency of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Republic of Crimea” estimated that in December 2014 the average nominal wage of one full-time worker of enterprises, institutions, organizations of the peninsula reached almost 22 thousand rubles (9.1 thousand UAH).


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