FreeCrimea. New center of resistance to the occupation

Politics, Reed

free-crimea-774x320The new project Free Crimea has been presented in Kiev. It is the informational center of resistance to the Russian occupation in Crimea.

Taras Berezovets, the project ideologist, announced that the main mission of the center is informing Crimeans, Ukrainians and international society about the real situation on the peninsula and pursuit of public awareness activities.

Sergey Kostinskiy, the political expert, representative of the Crimean Institute of Strategical Researches thinks that it is important to establish communication between the peninsula and the mainland. “We do not maintain the attitude of closing and isolation of Crimea. From our side, it is needed to establish communication between the peninsula and the mainland that will allow Crimeans to study, travel and take advantage of other benefits that Ukrainian citizens have.  We don’t blame the inhabitants for the total occupation of the peninsula.”

The main goals the organization pursues are establishment of new mass communications for the Crimeans and also formation of reintegration strategy of the peninsula.


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