There are almost 11 thousand children-migrants from Crimea and Donbass in Kiev

Reed, Society

9405-343410699 children-migrants from the eastern regions of Ukraine and Crimea study in educational institutions of Kiev. The Department of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Kiev City State Administration informs. 

10133 pupils from Lugansk and Donetsk regions and 556 pupils from Crimea have been accepted to the educational institutions of Kiev. 2442 of them have been accepted to the pre-school institutions, 7973 – to the general education institutions. 162 persons receive education in technical schools, and also 122 students have been accepted to the Kiev University named after B. Hrinchenko.

As a reminder, on February 9 the UNN informed that the number of migrants from Crimea and Donbass reached 1.5 MIO people.

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