KrymMedia: nationalist selection of maturation and reproduction of the Crimean creative class

Analyze, Politics, Society

смиThe keynote of the Crimean mass media was defined by two factors last week: the search for “a fifth column”, introduction of a term “creative class” to the masses and another positive news that “the building will save Crimea” from the speaker-constructor of “the State Council” Vladimir Konstantinov.

Against the background of the coming anniversary of the occupation of Crimea, the local press reminded with ingratiating voice of “the chief” of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Crimea Viktor Palagin that the enemy is watching and it is necessary to expose him again and again. In particular, the irrepressible US State Department plans to implement more than 10 projects regarding the peninsula. The saboteurs will be “the creative class” that compromises Russia in the eyes of Crimeans and creates the pro-Ukrainian position among the population of the peninsula.       

And here it goes. In order to enhance the effect, the prosecutor of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya reported about weapons caches, which belonged, for sure, to the Right Sector organization. Crimea can’t do without it at all. “That’s why, probably, unexpected statement of the FSB that usually doesn’t publish any information about conspiracies but follows the trail of conspirators until their arrest in flagrante in the act – is a sort of warning for those active Crimean public figures, who try to provoke unnecessary confusion and hesitation in the minds of Crimean people. It is done to make both the activists and ordinary Crimeans more united while getting used to the new citizenship,” the online media ForPost summed up the search for the saboteurs. 

The analytical articles of the web paper Primechaniya declare the same old intelligentsia as the main enemies-“creatives”. The question is put point-blank: “Does a resident of Crimea feel himself a complete Russian? Is this almost Russian ready to fight along with Putin “for your and our freedom?” 

The conclusion, which coincides with the general opinion of all Crimean mass media, is clear: “An expert work is needed for maturation and reproduction of the Crimean creative class. But there are prerequisites in that process. All these critical people react the same way to the very first attempts to reconcile them with Ukraine somehow: “Crimea is ours.” That’s what it is – the arguments are purposeless.

The Mirror of Crimea stays on the subject of the fifth column by saying: “What does “the international community” mean? This word masks a financial and aristocratic elite of the capitalist world and its various service staff, especially the media or rather mass media advertising, propaganda and misinformation.”

In this regard the website PolitNavigator saw the enemies in the nationalist Simirenko apples by publishing an article entitled “A huge gene pool of fruits and berries created at the cost of Ukraine can disappear in Crimea, the scientist-nationalist says.” 

However, “the Economic Development Minister” Nikolay Koryazhkin reported that agriculture can’t develop without the fundamental basis, that is plant breeding centers, at the meeting of the Economic Council in front of the chairman of “the State Council” of Crimea. “We lost recognized varieties of pears, apples and grapes. It is necessary to mobilize all the institutions including the Nikitsky Botanical Garden and other plant breeding centers,” he said explaining the necessity to return the science to the villages. That’s the apples in Crimea, Krymskie izvestiya wrote.  

In general, the solution of all the problems lies in construction. The former and current speaker-constructor of “the State Council” of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov noted great opportunities of the construction industry in Crimea. “Today it is the flagship sector of our regional economy. The construction can save the whole economy with proper planning,” the speaker said. “The amount of money that is planned for all departments and has been already budgeted is not credit resources but huge direct investments,” Krymskie izvestiya quotes.

The head of the Committee of “the State Council” of Crimea on Industrial Policy, Transport and Fuel-Energy Complex Pyotr Zaporozhets does not wholly agree with that statement. According to the online media “Crimean Echo”, “We should prepare to the difficulties.” “Today it is said: everything will be fine! Nothing will be fine! We should always be prepared for the difficulties! Always! And the prices for all products are always higher in spring than in autumn, we shouldn’t deceive people without any proof, people should know everything about that! But we should say what we are doing in order to provide – by names, by species, by products.”    

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