CrimeaMedia: unpatriotic officials and petrol supercheaters

Analyze, Society

imagesFetishes, which gave the Crimeans the aspiration to die in Russia, such as pensions, salaries and petrol prices, lost their mystical touch last week. Mass unpaid social benefits and total mess-up made local media to find the guilty one. It is commonly known that a guilty person in Russia always was a petty official and a seller-cheater. You can study on any language at school but only according to the rules of “the Russian world” – the Crimean newspapers wrote this week.  

News about total pension arrears, a mess with their granting and recalculation, cutting of teacher’s salaries were popular among the Crimean mass communications. The threatening comments of the peninsula’s authorities, which were mainly limited to patriotic appeals, were aimed to strengthen these pillars of faith in the motherland.

 In the face of a total mess and non-payments, “Krymskie Izvestiya” asks the frightening question: “Tell me honestly, are you a patriot of your homeland?” That’s it. So, “when you communicate with citizens, you need to be a patriot of Crimea doubly,” otherwise you are not safe for the Crimean patriotism. According to the newspaper, a non-patriotism is when there are “huge and humiliating queues to process documents. The officials and employees are snowed under the work. There is procrastination, mess, rumors and panic. At the same time old people are fighting while standing in the queue, the pressure is rising, the lifespan is reducing.” The logistic is very simple in this situation – Timur and his team are needed. Surely, “there are good people, young people and finally “timurovtsy in every house,” the newspaper thinks.

The newspaper “Krymskaya Pravda” is traditionally in a fighting mood calling to “take the fight to queues!” 270 employees, who came to the peninsula from the territory of the mainland Russia, will become fighters at the front of “solving all issues related to the processing and issuance of new documents, pensions and social benefits”. In such a way, the question about patriotism appears to be not so simple.

As the first deputy chairman of “the State Council” Konstantin Bakharev thinks, all these outrageous things take place at a time, when “the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has formulated a key principle of the integration of Crimea into the legal field of the Russian Federation that should not redound on the people.” But in reality, “disorganization of the officials leaves people without salaries.” The newspaper calculated that “465 from 1837 municipal institutions of Crimea didn’t open operating accounts and even didn’t apply for their opening in the Federal Treasury Department.” If the accounts are not opened in the next few days, then the employees of these 465 institutions will simply be left without their salaries in February.

Another article of the “Krymskaya Pravda” called “All “reservists” should be registered” brings good news that “the military registration age for officers and reserved soldiers in Crimea is increased by five years.” It is increased up to 50 years for reserved men, up to 55 years for junior reserve officers and up to 60 years for senior officers. This registration age was five years less in Ukraine. However, “the neighboring country is planning to increase the age for military service in the reserve up to 60 years”, then we are not guilty. This is only to the good. With the new law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the number of obligated reservists in Crimea increased by 25%.

A hidden dream of the Crimean people about cheap gasoline (as it was in Soviet times) turned to be tragicomic. Its price in Simferopol and Sevastopol in January is little less than in the Far Russian North: Anadyr, Magadan and Yakutsk. In the opinion of the newspaper “Krymskaya Pravda”, the reason for such high prices is that “the supercheaters sells gasoline in Crimea.”

The newspaper “Krymskie Izvestiya” reported on the visit of the Crimean “State Council’s” speaker Vladimir Konstantinov to the former Ukrainian and now Simferopol gymnasium. “We can’t do without changes but they are to the good,” the newspaper thinks. It is surprised that “since the foundation, the teaching was only in the Ukrainian language” in the Ukrainian gymnasium but “the Crimean Spring” put everything on its place.”

As Vladimir Konstantinov said, now “there is no inter-ethnic segregation in Crimea. However, “the Russian world” has its own special way based on the strength of the Russian people”.

The “Crimean Telegraph” newspaper also touched the topic of education. The journalists of this weekly newspaper found out that the newly created Crimean Federal University became a refuge for many Crimean officials. The article “The second double. How many vice-rectors does a rector need?” says that many functionaries and Kiev appointees, who were left behind after the “Crimean Spring”, are attracted by a prospect to get a fat job at the university. It is no wonder that the position of the vice-rector was staked by famous people in Crimea.

 In other words, they are the same old officials.

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