By Sergey Marchenko Along with the Crimean mineral resources extracted on a massive scale by occupants, the Crimean forests are also cut down – the number of trees there is decreasing with each passing day. The villagers cut down the trees for firewood and owners of construction companies to build hotels, apartments or cottages. Moreover,…

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There is a new restriction among a wide range of illegal restrictions and systematic violations of human rights for political reasons in Crimea – a so-called “List of organizations and individuals, on which there are evidences that they are involved in extremist activities or terrorism”. The Federal Financial Monitoring Service of Russia (Rosfinmonitoring) makes this…

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July 28 will become the “Black Thursday” for Crimea and a range of Crimean and Sevastopol officials. ‘Crimean Federal District’ doesn’t exist any more – Putin included it together with Sevastopol to the South Federal District whereby he downscaled the political status of Crimea.   “In order to improve effectiveness of the federal authorities I…

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In the first half of 2016, the number of traffic accidents increased by 44.6% in Crimea compared to the same period of 2015. The information-analytical review “Road traffic accidents in the Russian Federation for the first half of 2016” gave this information, RIA Novosti reports. It is noted that the number of road accident victims…

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About 30% of Sevastopol road-users have not been registered according to the Russian law and have preserved Ukrainian car license plates. As the city ‘government’s’ press service informs, the ‘Deputy Head’ of the Central Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Sevastopol Andrey Kuznetsov reported that. “According to preliminary information, owners of…

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In Russia, tender on construction of a new thermal power station in Taman, which was supposed to supply electricity to Crimea, didn’t take place because of lack of investor applications. The tender failed to take place due to the fear of investors to fall under the EU sanctions, Reuters informs. “From the political point of…

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Off-channel water reservoirs of the Eastern Crimea are full at least by one third, Kerch.FM informs. In particular, from the beginning of current year the total volume of water pumped into the off-channel water reservoirs of the Eastern Crimea reached 15.7 Mio cu. m., including 7.4 Mio cu. m. that were pumped to the Feodosia…

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Population growth is registered in Sevastopol due to the Russian elderly, Sevastopolstat informs. In particular, according to the statistics, population size in the city increased almost by 100 thousand people within 2 years after the annexation and reached a shade over 421 thousand people as of July 1, 2016.  According to the statistics service staff,…

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Massandra winery sold 7.5 thousand bottles of vintage wine in the first half of 2016. The winery press-service informs about that. “Production we sell as vintage wine is rare wine that cannot a priori be cheap. It ran the gantlet of history, among which there were evacuation, earthquake, two world wars and “period of oversell”….

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Russia is going to send a new set of the anti-aircraft missile system S-400 “Triumph” to Crimea. The Chief of Staff, deputy commander of the 18th anti-aircraft missile regiment of the 31st Air Defense Division, Lieutenant Colonel Evgeniy Oleynikov announced that, TASS informs.  “It is planned to ship the equipment to the place of its…

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