In 2014 three times as more migrants as it was last year came in Crimea

Reed, Society

прибывающиеThe number of internal migrants, who came in Crimea in 2014, grew almost threefold compared with the same period of 2013. The press service of the Local Agency of Federal State Statistics Service of the Republic of Crimea informed about that, KrymInform reports.

According to the Crimean Statistics Committee, more than 20 000 people came for residence to the republic and 7 100 people left in January-November 2014. Migration gain was 13 800 people. The Crimean Statistics Committee pointed out that about 7 000 people from the total amount of those, who stayed in Crimea for permanent residence, are habitants of Russian regions and 6 200 people are citizens of the CIS countries.

Migration gain in Crimea was 4 400 people over the same period of 2013.

The Crimean Statistics Committee accented that “the migration service didn’t conduct registration and de-registration of place of residence in April and May 2014 and registration of citizens at the new place of residence started with the last ten days of June 2014.”

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